INCLOOD Best Practices Brochure
The collection of the best practices selected within the project.
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With the support of KAMA, a non-profit association, asylum seekers and migrants can offer trainings and workshops in return for voluntary donations. KAMA aims at supporting the trainers in socially interacting with the local population, in getting to know and learn from each other.
Refugio Sharehaus
This is a community living project where refugees, students, artists and others live together (and to some extent work also together). Half of the people living in Refugio are refugees. Refugio is the second house of this kind in Berlin
Lucha y Siesta
Lucha y Siesta is a project of housing and social acceptance for women; providing information, guidance, listening and welcoming to women who need it. It is now a project of housing for migrant woman.
Wohn- und Gewerbebau Kalkbreite
On a surface of 6‘350 m2 the housing cooperative offers since 2014 a home to 251 inhabitants and jobs to over 200 people in the stores and offices. The vision is to offer a socially and ecologically sustainable living and working space. The cooperative Kalkbreite has taken up the cause of a “2000 Watt society”, sharing rather than owning and solidarity.
Flüchtlinge Willkommen
Refugees Welcome Austria is a project implemented by the association Vielmehr für Alle and is based on the idea of Berlin based Mensch Mensch Mensch e.V. Local people interested in supporting the project can register their flatshare and offer rooms to refugees. Following the registration, Refugees Welcome helps to find a suitable flatmate.
In Berlin there are several projects of self-organised, community-led housing intending to be an alternative to the only profit oriented investors in the existing market housing. One example is the Spreefeld housing cooperative, where around 140 People are living, 95 out of them are adults (40-60 years old) and 45 children and youth.
ASINITAS Onlus is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2005. It is active in the field of education and social work. Its mission is to promote the care, education, training, sheltering and testimony of Italian and foreign adults and minors. Its primary work focuses on promoting processes of inclusion for subjects perceived by society as non-equals, in order to bolster their social presence.
The KISA project
The KISA project “Shorter Integration, Faster to Work” is owned by the Employment Service in Uppsala County. The purpose of the project is to strengthen, improve and support efforts aimed at newly-arrived through collaboration.
Homeasyl is a small organization, which actively works for the private accommodation of refugees. The aim is to bring people with housing opportunities together with people with limited housing opportunities.
Homealyl’s work is based on solidarity and humanity, they want to achieve something directly with people. They work on a voluntary basis within limited (time) resources.
Hawi Project
Caritas House Hawi is an alternative housing project where students and refugees live together in an unconventional, self-determined type of cohabitation of different cultures. Each resident rents some private space and has access to variably usable common areas offering opportunities for communication, exchange and shared activities.
Cooking together
In Berlin there are a lot of small and big projects focused on cooking and eating together as an essential part of the integration process. During the project meeting we have experienced the same, the exchange with the participants was very intensive, we discovered in a new way other cultures we learned very much about the experiences of the involved refugees and their feeling of integration.
After dramatic vicissitudes - the arrival in Italy on a boat, the work for a few euros in the countryside of Rosarno, in Calabria - a group of African migrants launched Barikamà, a 100% green cooperative near Rome that produces yoghurt and organic vegetables. The products are delivered to customers directly at home by bike.